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Disclaimer for the Website Owned by John Becker / Bald Head The information contained in this web site is believed to be reliable and while every effort is made to assure that the information is as accurate as possible, the owner of this site whose name appears above, and Systems Engineering,Inc. disclaim any implied warranty or representation about it's accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for any particular purpose. This includes but is not limited to information provided by any third party which is accessed through this site via a hyperlink. Those persons who access this information assume full responsibility for the use of said information and understand and agree that the owner of this site named above, or Systems Engineering,Inc., are not responsible or liable for any claim, loss or damage arising from the use of any information contained in this site. Any reference to specific products, companies or services does not necessarily constitute or imply recommendation or endorsement by the owner of this site or Systems Engineering,Inc..
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